Jul 22, 2009

惊魂未定, 无妄之灾, 哀也!

天啊! 没想到会发生这种事, 我的三魂七魄已不知被吓得掉去第十九层还是升上去第十七层了.

与友人下了班共同搭同一辆德士回家. 跟往常一样我对司机大佬说要在LRT站前下车.

到了目的地, 付了钱后, 我就开了车门, 转过头向友人笑了笑, 还没向她说掰, 下一秒钟, 不知哪里杀出来一辆摩托车, 飞冲着撞向车门, 接着再连人带车撞去停在一边的Rapid KL. 我和友人顿时惊呆了,仿佛已停顿在那个时空里, 凝结了.

"你没看见后面有车来的吗?" 友人劈头就问. 我都不知要答什么, 魂魄当时已经不知飞散去哪里了,根本没料到会有摩托车在Lorong Teksi上飞驰. 司机大佬赶紧和其他人赶紧移开压在伤者身上的摩托, 接着就呼叫救伤车来了.

"Ah moi, you tadi buka pintu tak nampak ke? sekarang tak ada saksi ni!" 一个车站员工指着我叫嚣. 司机大佬赶紧对我说:"你不用理会他们, 我会去搞定的啦! 你只须赔偿一点医药费或修门费给我, 包在我身上, 别害怕, 发生这样的事大家也不想的." 我对他说出我的赔额, 他就说OK. 我的$$$从荷包里飞出去的那一刻, 救伤车已经抵达现场把伤者抬走了.

我只能向那位好心的司机大佬说声抱歉, 第一次上他的车就惹麻烦给他, 还好他没对我大声叫骂,不然我的魂已被震上去太空了.

今晚我要向上帝多祷告两下才能入睡, 唉! 飞来横祸.

P/S: 很庆幸我当时并没来得及把脚踏出车, 不然的话现在躺进医院的那个就是我了, 哀哉!

Jul 20, 2009

上周的Writing lesson^^ ~最成功的一堂课

*五年级的妖魔那天比较乖巧, 我的课也进行得很顺利. 这是那天的图卡与字卡. 我先让他们在纸上作画(反正他们就是喜欢活动, 因为有得玩), 再叫他们brainstorm一下关于海滩的一切, 全班都很兴奋, 比较有兴趣上这堂课了, 妖就是妖, 一刻也不停闲.... Tolong lo...

Jul 19, 2009

升上第十七层 ~ 第四周

这周的五年级小妖魔越来越放肆, 胆敢在我班里打架生事, 被我抓去见他们的Sir"照肺"一下,aduhai!

听说他们还把班级任弄哭了, 真是妖到不行, 校长忍无可忍在周五召开武林大会, 把全校的瓜痛斥一顿, 才让我在班缓了一口气. 她还协助我管教了一下那些三年级的妖精, 想对她竖起拇指 :)

这周开始训练小瓜讲故事, 再多一个星期就是英语周了, 时间越来越紧迫.

讲师这周没空来"看望"我们, 哈! 我们逃过了一劫, 不过下周就不得而知了.

周六回去看望大妖精, 鬼影都不见, 连旧同事们也不知闪去哪儿了, 妖精A说他们去培训了.不是已经提早来了吗? 每次都不见人, 唉! 真是顶他们不顺.

去逛了一下PavillionTimes书局. 它的装潢摆设都跟其他书局没两样,唯一的别树一格是它的墙上填满了不同作家的语录, 这点我还挺欣赏的.

期待更美好的第五周 ~

Jul 12, 2009

徘徊在第十八层 ~ 第三周

蹒跚着来到没什么特别的第三周. 讲师循例来给我们进行clinical assessment, 一大堆评语在我那本可以用来砸死对面街的狗的教学记录"字典"满天飞, 显掉! 好事一樁 : 她的那张巫婆脸对那些每天在班张牙舞爪的小恶魔起了恐吓作用, 一个个变成了鹌鹑噤若寒蝉在座位上原封不动像石雕, 呵!省了我的河东狮吼.

下周开始至月尾, 学校将举行英语周.我和我的partner这两把校园里的新扫帚要扛起训练学生参赛的大旗啰! 一连串的活动如storytelling, singing, drama, colouring contest, quiz 等之类的要我们去选秀参加. Pn.Wan拼命在我们面前批评现任的英语老师们已经越来越怠惰, 不想参与类似的活动,只好点我们这些菜鸟出马了.
去看了Ice Age 3, 蛮搞笑的无厘头式闹剧, 都是吸引小孩子的遽头. Obsessed 倒是没什么出色, 丈夫碰到狐妖来犯, 最后由元配亲手了解掉它的剧情, 跟平常的师奶港剧没什么两样, Beyonce首次操刀的电影有待改进, 还不如继续出演像Dreamgirls那样的歌舞片.

经常在MSN里碰到那些去年的大妖精, 老是问我何时回校看望他们.说起来我也好几个月没回去了, 忙得团团转的都已经快要把他们忘了. 他们偶尔还会send功课来给我帮忙改还是什么的, 我倒是很纳闷一点: 他们为什么不找现任的老师帮忙呢 ? 真是丈八金刚摸不着头脑.


Jul 7, 2009

佳作 2 - 英语作文

The Proud Crab

by Elvin Raj

There was once a proud crab. Its name is Andy. It loves to boast about his beauty. “Look at me. See how beautiful am I!” He said to his friends always.

Other animals didn’t like him. Andy boasted too much until they complained to the lion, King of the jungle itself. “Andy is boasting too much. We can’t take it anymore!” They cried.

“I have a plan”, said the King.

One night, when Andy was sleeping, everyone in the jungle painted Andy’s body with black paint.

Next morning, Andy was shocked to see its body in black. From that day on, Andy stopped boasting about itself.

Written by : Elvin Raj, 9 years old, 3 Murni.

评价: 2颗星

佳作 1 - 英语作文

Mr. Beach Crab and the Seagull

by Jonathan David Chan

One morning, Mr. Beach Crab was crawling on the sand when he stumbled on his enemy, which was Mr. Big Black Bear. Mr. Big Black Bear thought that Mr. Beach Crab will soon be his lunch. But when he saw its hard shell, he said “ I will break your shell with a hard rock and soon gobble you up, ha-ha!” He then turned Mr. Beach Crab over. It can’t move anymore. After that, he left for a while to search some big rocks nearby.

Mr. Beach Crab was very scared. He shouted “Help ! Help!” Soon, a seagull flew by. He heard its screaming. He stopped and helped to turned Mr. Beach Crab over again. Mr. Beach Crab said “Thank You”. “You’re welcome.” The seagull said.

Then they saw Mr. Big Black Bear in the distance. He was carrying a big rock. Mr Beach Crab scurried away while the seagull flew away quickly. Mr. Big Black Bear was very angry when he saw that Mr. Beach Crab was not on the beach anymore.

Soon, the seagull landed on a rocky place. The rocks were slippery and its foot slipped and trapped itself into some rocks. Seagull tried to pull its foot out the rocks, but the foot was stuck tightly. In a short while, the tide was rising. The seagull was afraid that he will drown. He shouted “Help! Help!”.

Luckily, Mr. Beach Crab came by. He pushed the rocks away . The seagull was free ! He said “Thank You”. “You’re welcome.” Mr. Beach Crab said.

Wtitten by: Jonathan David Chan, 9 years old, 3 Murni.

评价: 3颗星

Jul 4, 2009

学生作品篇 2 - 画图^^

Year 3 Mathematics

Class: 3 Murni

Topic : Time

Learning Area: Reading time

Year 3 English

Class: 3 Murni

Topic : Fun times

* 各式各样的闹钟及汽车, 小妖精们的想象力始终都比大人来得好.

教具篇 1 - 图卡系列^^

1st lesson

Year 5 English

Textbook pg 54-55

Class : 5 Murni

Theme : World of Knowledge

Topic: Bountiful Harvest

Main Skill : Reading

Vocabulary: thresh, plough, soil, fertillisers, pesticides, husks, grains, seedlings, harvest, mill

Pictures: Paddy field, tractor, Farmer, Rice mill, Rice

2nd lesson

Year 5 English

Textbook pg 56-57

Class : 5 Murni

Theme : World of Knowledge

Topic: Bountiful Harvest

Main Skill: Reading

Vocabulary: tobacco, stem, fabrics, deforestation, crops, pulp

Pictures: Kenaf plant field, Kenaf Flower, Oak plant, Dried Stem

3rd lesson

Year 3 English

Textbook pg 53-54

Class : 3 Murni

Theme : World of Stories

Topic: Clover, the crabby crab

Main Skill: Reading

Vocabulary: tucked, dizzy, laid, stretched

Pictures: Crab's face, Red Rock Crab, Alaska King Crab, Blue Crab, Cooked Crab, Cartoon Crab.

4th lesson

Year 3 English

Textbook pg 70

Class : 3 Murni

Theme : World of Knowledge

Main Skill : Writing

Topic: Fun Time

Vocabulary: trip, traditional, colourful, silverware, fantastic

Pictures: Car, Wau Bulan, Wayang Kulit

5th lesson

Year 5 English

Theme: World of stories

Topic : The ant and the cricket

Main skill: Reading

6th lesson

Year 5 English

Theme: World of Stories

Topic: Mr.Beach Crab and the seagull

Main skill: Listening

*P/S : 区区这几张图卡就已经耗掉了我四张Manilla卡, 唉! 我的津贴都不懂要花掉多少在买文具上, 还没加上用掉的纸张及印墨. @#$*%.

Jul 3, 2009

徘徊在第十八层 ~ 第二周

终于来到第二周了. 感觉上还有气若游丝的空间. 我们的讲师只来作一次探访, 还没开始正式对我们作视察, 冷汗大概只飙了 5%.

倒是那些妖精越来越放肆了, 尤其是五年级的瓜. 我已经向他们发出警讯了,说下个星期会有个不太友善的巫婆来探访他们, 要他们"看着办". 就瞧瞧他们会不会"做人"了, hoho. (不过这些死鬼应该是把我的话当耳边风的机率较大, 我的河东狮吼一点也不能马虎.)

这周开始进行双人教学. 我发现我的partner应对那些妖精比我还在行一些, 毕竟她在私立中心执教超过两年了, aura自然比我强啰.可以向她学习怎么管着那些妖.

是时候去准备一盒Cadbury巧克力啰 ! 用来哄着那些妖精的最佳武器莫过于如此.

唉! 我还有几篇教学方案还没搞完喏 ! 想到那些啰里啰嗦又千篇一率的东东可又要把我的手搞到很累的文字就觉得很倒胃口, 显 !

不晓得为何这整个星期一直都有一种很压抑的感觉, 想快乐也快乐不起来, 是太累了还是怎么啦 ?

不想想太多, 还是快点开工吧.

P/S : 听说有些可怜虫中13-15节, 真是Hallelujah, 要自求多福啰.