Jan 30, 2010

回家充电一下 ~

呼! 终于再度回来雪隆的家充电一下啰! 在槟岛忙又乱了3个星期, 一分钱也还没进到我的银行户头里, 唉! 今年真的是要过穷年了.

老妈说我瘦掉一点了, 不知是真话还是假话. 我如今一天只能吃两顿, 就是早餐和晚餐. 一切都"归功"于学校紧凑的时间表, 根本没时间吃午餐或下午茶, 哈! 瘦掉一点也是应该的(=_=). 一周33节, 拜一和五要连续教3小时, 够力吗? 每天骂小妖精骂得连声音也快没了, 还要赶 laporan minggu orientasi给教育部, 嫌我们这些新老师在学校太得空了, 可恶!

终于见回久违的槟城召会的弟兄姐妹们, 很高兴可以再度和他们一同上主日聚会了. 回理大校园走了一趟, 感叹时间飞逝, 回想起以往在那里念书及生活过的点点滴滴还真感唏嘘不已. 有些地方也已经改变了面貌, 以前的小巴也已经消失了, 换成了Rapid Penang 在槟州川行各地. 特意回去尝了尝校园对面那档Jeff Char Koay Teow (以前叫Sunny Cafe), yummmm... 以前的Makro已经换成了Tesco, 文华茶室也已改名作Bali Bali茶室. 往昔的金湾饮食中心也已经扩充营业, 整间店已经搬到Sg.Nibong车站对面, 它的Belacan炒饭也是我的最爱之一. 改天再找时间回去Pekaka Square那里尝华里炒饭王及SubaidahNasi Lemak :)

今年我忽然间由"Teacher Wong"转换去"Cikgu Wong", 原因是校方没安排任何英语及数学课给我.我忽然当了国文老师, 还要兼顾科学, 音乐和美术, 实在够累. 还好没轮到我当级任, 不然就更Hallellujah了.

家里那只小"熊" 还是那么圆滚滚, 老妈是时候买另一个笼子去装它了, 哈!

Jan 16, 2010

Beginning of 2010

It's been 2 weeks since our new year celebration on 1st Jan 2010. Temporarily I'm not being granted any internet access in my own laptop. Now I forced to walk at least 10 minutes from my rented house everyday to a nearby cybercafe where I can access to internet , so that I can log in to my facebook and of course, blogging...

My new teaching life here, ehm, so far so good. My new colleagues were quite friendly and helpful. Not too bad, thats what I feel towards my new school so far. Even though I need to deal with little devils everyday, but I found that it's easier to handle younger pupils compare with secondary school rascals or adult learners.

What makes me fed up was the orientation report assigned by JPN to each new teachers recently. Hell, do they think that we're too free in our beginning of teaching life at new school? I can't understand what was being stored in these idiot's mind...

Wish myself all the best for my new teaching life in 2010...