Baru 及SMK St.John的礼堂举行,搞到我全身酸痛, 哀哉!
Ahli Gerko Permainan Badminton KPLI '09
Show Time
To the dearest who I love,
It is time to address you on a subject which close to my heart,
I recognized within me the need to get acquainted,
I met you, were the most ideal time in my life.
Our conversation may clear enough,
This let you know the kind of person I am,
It was beyond to meet with this rare combination of elements both solid and attractive.
My dearest,
Let me rely on your kind self,
To tell me how much of you like me as I do you.
I should regard as the highest of God’s gift,
Although I will have sometimes feel anxiety.
Hope my love will become our illumination of hopes.
-From One of My Dearest Senior Student-'08
*P/S : 我从我的Space Live部落(把这首诗搬来这儿.出自我去年其中一位中四学生的笔.我教完了